The Norden Association
The Norden Association is an organisation that aims at promoting and improving Nordic cooperation within the Nordic countries and its international role by engaging citizens, organisations, and businesses. “Norden” as a geographical region includes Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden as well as the autonomous territories of the Åland Islands, Greenland, and the Faroe Islands. Together with other Nordic actors, the Norden Association in Sweden strives to realise the vision of “Norden” as the world’s best integrated region for a sustainable world.
The Norden Association, founded in 1919, is a non-political and non-religious organisation, open to anyone who wants to get involved in and work with Nordic issues and Nordic cooperation. The aim of the association is to encourage and improve Nordic cooperation at all levels, with special regard to the following sectors: education, culture, labour market, industry, mass media, international aid, and environmental sustainability.
The Norden Association works on such issues through policymaking, information campaigns, friendship-towns, publications, and mobility projects. The Norden Association is present in all Nordic countries and cooperation between the national bodies is ensured by the Norden Associations Federal, FNF.
For more information and inquiries you can contact us at [email protected] or contact our secretary-general Josefin Carlring.
Josefin Carlring
E-mail: [email protected]